4 – 6 Grassmarket, Edinburgh
The works comprise of the alterations and refurbishment of the existing building to form a bar/restaurant located on the Grassmarket, Edinburgh and construction of a two storey extension to the rear which will become a microbrewery.
The Grassmarket is a historic market place and an event space in the Old Town of Edinburgh, Scotland, and is located directly below Edinburgh Castle. The site is located beside some of the best surviving parts of the Flodden and Telfer town walls

A challenge overcome at the Grassmarket works this month was to get a 8ft x 9ft Rig, weighing 8.2T in to the back of the site – It could not be driven in due to the location of the site and the drop of level within the site.
Having started the works in August the planning for the lift was already under way with meetings being held with CEC Roads department and Crane Hire Companies.

Following discussions, Bernard Hunter Crane Hire were employed to carry out a Contract Lift. A Lifting and a delivery schedule produced, due to amount of plant & material to be craned in to avoid traffic issues and the day was set – Sunday 8th October.
Works Started 05:30hrs with the setting up of the TM and rigging of the Crane. As per usual despite no parking signs in place there was a VW golf parked in the crane zone! During the Lifts Enthusiastic pedestrians attempting to walking into crane zone but prevented by our ground works team provided by AF Cooper Ltd

Works was completed and the area returned to normal Sunday afternoon use by mid-afternoon with no public issue or complaint.